Portraits & Commissions

Leandro Júnior's recent portrait sculptures and paintings evoke poignancy and sadness, and power and joy, as well as feelings of empowerment. His subjects have included historical Afro-Brazilian resistance leader Zumbi and the contemporary quilombo leader Adão da Costa Oliveira, as well as figures that the artist knows from popular culture, such as Mêstre Antonio, a famous drummer from the region, and television presenter and actor Dudu Camargo.


“Leandro Júnior e o Quilombo de Cuba” is an exhibition, now in development, that explores the unique history and character of the diverse communities in Brazil’s rural Jequitinhonha region. Located in the remote outback of Minas Gerais, Jequitinhonha is a culturally rich territory with a harrowing past: it is the place where gold was first discovered by the Portuguese and mined through the labor of enslaved Africans. Brazilian history is very much alive in today’s Jequitinhonha and will be palpably on view in this exhibition, through the eyes of participating artists, poets, and musicians.



Leandro discusses the themes in his sculpture Faustina